What is your ‘why’?
What am I thinking about?
Change is (very much) on my mind.
Since the beginning of this year, I have (voluntarily) been changing a few things. Some are after reflection, others based on circumstances.
1. The first of these changes was the frequency of these articles to you. For nearly 4 years I have been writing weekly. I now write fortnightly and that took a bit of getting used to! The weekly Saturday morning ritual was hard to shift at first.
2. I embarked on a learning programme late last year to enhance my self-awareness. It is quite an advanced programme but I knew it would help me with the work I do. The focus of this programme is to leverage the wisdom of the body (not the mind). It has been an incredible learning experience – to think from the body. I shall try and elaborate on this in my future articles.
3. I bought a stand for my laptop. I always knew that my posture wasn’t right whilst working on my laptop. I finally bought a stand.
It has only been a few days and every cell in my body (especially my neck) is resisting it. I needed a new keyboard to attach to my laptop. My neck muscles are getting used to the new posture, correct posture I might add! I dislike my new keyboard (taken from my brother’s old laptop). I love my HP laptop keyboard. And I love my laptop touch screen, but it is a little further away therefore requiring effort to get to. Notice a pattern? 😉
(Using the laptop keyboard is a little uncomfortable (on my shoulders) due to its position on the stand - may need to check the ergonomics first).
My new setup
4. I have been asked to drink 3 litres of water daily by my holistic health practitioner. I am good with water and on average drink 2 litres of water daily. Getting to 3 litres is a bit harder than I thought. I have a water container to measure my intake (which is next to my laptop). And it is bizarre that I do not reach out to the water container even though it is next to me! I may need to set a timer to enforce drinking. Lol.
It is common knowledge that change is difficult (but not impossible). I am juggling a few changes at once and that can be overwhelming. I may need to re-think my ‘how’.
So, as I type this now, I have my laptop off the stand and am typing away furiously to complete this article before my neck muscles get confused. I am also pausing to drink 300ml of water before continuing with typing!
Change must go on!
Did you know…?
Your elbows should be on the table whilst typing on your keyboard. This is vital for correct posture! Elbows off the table do not support optimal ergonomics.
Do check where your elbows are when you type.
What is your why?
We are autopilot creatures. We don’t (really) think about much of what we do. We typically get started, get going, and keep going. Nothing wrong with this but to sustain ourselves an intermittent check-in with our ‘why’ is crucial. And to do that we need to get off autopilot.
My writing was such a journey. It took me a while to overcome my resistance to writing 4 years ago. After the awkward and clumsy start, it got better, and very soon I was writing on demand every week without much ado. The inspiration and thoughts flooded in, and I was on writing autopilot!
During my year-end holiday last year, I reflected on my ‘why’ of writing. Change! I still wanted to entertain, inform, and bring important insights to you BUT at a different frequency. It had become a comfortable ritual. So, fortnightly instead of weekly was an idea. This also allowed me to explore how I could spend the gap week. It was awkward at first, but more has come to fill the gap.
So, this week I ask you, what is your why for the top 3 things you do?
As always, you can reach me at yoga@yoganesadurai.com
Ps update on Mario, Maria, and the 2 eggs – the nest and 2 eggs were destroyed the following week. I am not sure who the perpetrator was. But the good news is that Mario was spotted this morning repairing the old nest. I shall keep you posted! Change must go on!